Former DB Denzel Ward sends a brutal warning to the Browns about losing Greg Newsome…

Former DB Denzel Ward Issues Stern Warning to Browns Regarding Greg Newsome’s Potential Departure

As trade rumors continue to circulate around Cleveland Browns cornerback Greg Newsome II during this offseason, the fourth-year player approaches the conclusion of his rookie contract, sparking discussions about his future with the team.

While the Browns have the option to exercise a fifth-year deal to retain Newsome, the financial implications loom large, with estimates suggesting a price tag between $12-15 million for the talented cornerback next year.

Former NFL defensive back Tyvis Powell joins the chorus of analysts advocating for Cleveland to prioritize negotiations with Newsome to secure his presence on the roster beyond this season.

In a video excerpt shared by the official Twitter account of the “Ultimate Cleveland Sports Show” Podcast, Powell emphasizes the importance of retaining Newsome unless the team can guarantee a replacement of comparable caliber. Powell underscores Newsome’s versatility, highlighting his seamless transition to a nickel package role last season, where he excelled despite being drafted as the team’s No. 2 cornerback.

Despite his altered role, Newsome played a pivotal role in a defensive unit that led the league in both total and passing yards allowed in 2023.

The persistence of trade rumors surrounding Newsome is exacerbated by the contractual security of fellow cornerbacks Denzel Ward and Martin Emerson Jr., whose deals extend through or beyond the 2025 season, contrasting with Newsome’s impending contract expiration unless the team exercises his fifth-year option.

Addressing the financial complexities, Powell acknowledges the potential salary and cap challenges Newsome’s contract may pose for the team in 2025. He suggests exploring contract negotiations aimed at reducing Newsome’s cap hit, possibly through a multiyear deal that spreads out salary increases.

Ward’s warning serves as a stark reminder of the stakes involved in Newsome’s contract negotiations and the importance of securing his long-term commitment to the Browns’ defensive lineup.

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